Sermon Discussion Guide: 2/23/25
Sermon Recap
Title: Our Firm Foundation
Text: Matthew 7:24-29
Big Idea: Christ alone is our firm foundation.
I. Question: What do you trust in to hold you through the storms of life?
II. There is a foundation that won't last. (7:26-27)
III. Christ alone is our firm foundation. (7:24-25)
Discussion Questions:
1. Discuss how you understand the connection of our "wants" and "desires" with our ultimate beliefs. How did you grasp the interrelation of the them?
2. What are "false foundations" that you see in our culture? What are "false foundations that you have trusted in?
3. Share of some of the storms of your life that surfaced what you really believe about God, life, the world, etc.
4. What does it look like practically to do the "hard work" of building your life upon the words and life of Jesus?
5. How do we safeguard from our "building our lives upon Christ" becoming legalism? What checks and balances can keep us from drifting into that?
6. How do you keep Christ's life in front of you as your foundation for salvation?
7. Review the Sermon on the Mount. What passages or teachings were most convicting or challenging? Which were most encouraging and why?
Title: Our Firm Foundation
Text: Matthew 7:24-29
Big Idea: Christ alone is our firm foundation.
I. Question: What do you trust in to hold you through the storms of life?
II. There is a foundation that won't last. (7:26-27)
III. Christ alone is our firm foundation. (7:24-25)
Discussion Questions:
1. Discuss how you understand the connection of our "wants" and "desires" with our ultimate beliefs. How did you grasp the interrelation of the them?
2. What are "false foundations" that you see in our culture? What are "false foundations that you have trusted in?
3. Share of some of the storms of your life that surfaced what you really believe about God, life, the world, etc.
4. What does it look like practically to do the "hard work" of building your life upon the words and life of Jesus?
5. How do we safeguard from our "building our lives upon Christ" becoming legalism? What checks and balances can keep us from drifting into that?
6. How do you keep Christ's life in front of you as your foundation for salvation?
7. Review the Sermon on the Mount. What passages or teachings were most convicting or challenging? Which were most encouraging and why?
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