Sermon Discussion Guide: 8/25/24
Sermon Recap
Text: Joshua 4
Big Idea: We are called by God to build for the next generation.
Summary: In Joshua 4, Israel is called to erect memorial stones that will serve as a reminder to the generations to come that God rescued and redeemed them from slavery in Egypt and has given them the Promised Land. In the same way that God parted the Red Sea, He also stopped up the Jordan River, displaying His power at work in delivering on His promises to His people.
God's people have always been prone to forget the works of God and to wander from faithfulness to Him. So, reminders have always been an integral part of the worship of God's people. Physical spaces, artistic designs, and special monuments appear again and again in the pages of Scripture—including baptism and the Lord's Supper for the Church. However, the physical must never be presumed upon and must continually be instructed as to how it points to spiritual realities.
Discussion Questions:
1. When you think of the use of the physical world in spiritual worship, what stories from the Bible do you think of?
2. The concept of memorial stones is something that Pastor Luke expanded on with certain mementos from his spiritual journey. Do you have any "reminders" of God's faithfulness in your home? What are they and what do they remind you of?
3. Share your baptism story.
4. How have you been able to help in the training up of the next generation? With your kids? In the church?
5. What thoughts do you have about holding on to the timeless traditions of the church versus passing the baton to the next?
6. How did you experience the church raising you up to be the next generation? How did they get it right? How did they not get it right?
7. In what ways do you see North Park either doing well or having the opportunity to pass the baton of ministry to the next generation?
Text: Joshua 4
Big Idea: We are called by God to build for the next generation.
Summary: In Joshua 4, Israel is called to erect memorial stones that will serve as a reminder to the generations to come that God rescued and redeemed them from slavery in Egypt and has given them the Promised Land. In the same way that God parted the Red Sea, He also stopped up the Jordan River, displaying His power at work in delivering on His promises to His people.
God's people have always been prone to forget the works of God and to wander from faithfulness to Him. So, reminders have always been an integral part of the worship of God's people. Physical spaces, artistic designs, and special monuments appear again and again in the pages of Scripture—including baptism and the Lord's Supper for the Church. However, the physical must never be presumed upon and must continually be instructed as to how it points to spiritual realities.
Discussion Questions:
1. When you think of the use of the physical world in spiritual worship, what stories from the Bible do you think of?
2. The concept of memorial stones is something that Pastor Luke expanded on with certain mementos from his spiritual journey. Do you have any "reminders" of God's faithfulness in your home? What are they and what do they remind you of?
3. Share your baptism story.
4. How have you been able to help in the training up of the next generation? With your kids? In the church?
5. What thoughts do you have about holding on to the timeless traditions of the church versus passing the baton to the next?
6. How did you experience the church raising you up to be the next generation? How did they get it right? How did they not get it right?
7. In what ways do you see North Park either doing well or having the opportunity to pass the baton of ministry to the next generation?
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