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Sermon Discussion Guide: 10/13/24

Sermon Recap

Text: Matthew 5:17-20

Big Idea: How we understand the Law will define how we understand the Gospel.

Summary: In these four verses, Jesus communicates significant truth about His disciples' relationship to the Law. Jesus begins by showing Himself to be the fulfillment of all that the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) was pointing toward. John 5:39 and Luke 24:27 communicate the same thing. As the culmination of what the Law and Prophets anticipated, they find their definition and proper interpretation through the teaching and life of Jesus. And through Jesus' teaching, His followers begin to rightly understand their relationship to the Law, as seen in verses 18-19, in which our relationship to the Law doesn't save us, but it does have significance.

It's in verse 20 that Jesus shows the relationship that the Law has with the Gospel. If one's behavior does not transcend the superficial behavior of the Pharisees and scribes, then you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Those who belong to Jesus' kingdom are those who have been transformed in their innermost being and have become new creations in Christ. If one's righteousness is based on their works, they will never attain glory. But, if one's righteousness is in Christ, and through Christ He is changing who they are at their core being, then, they evidence that they are citizens of the kingdom.

Discussion Questions

1. What has your relationship to the Law been with your upbringing or church background?

2. Do you find yourself leaning legalistic or thinking that the law doesn't have a place in God's economy of grace? Share why.

3. How does Jesus functionally revolutionize the way that we understand the purpose of the Law?

4. What is the purpose of the law in the believer's life? How do we balance the tension of being called to righteousness but saved by grace?

5. What are the marks of the New Covenant (see Jeremiah 31 and Ezekiel 36), and what does that look like in the life of the Church?

6. What is the role and purpose of our "good works" or obedience to Christ's commands?

7. How would you summarize the Law according to Christ? How do we use this filter to as our compass for obedience to Christ's commands?

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