Sermon Discussion Guide: 10/27/24
Sermon Recap
Text: Matthew 5:27-37
Big Idea: Pursue faithfulness, because God loves integrity.
Summary: The pattern of Jesus after He declares Himself to be the fulfillment of what the Law pointed toward is a pattern of letter of the law, heart of the law, and wisdom of the law. He continues that same formula as He addresses the topics of adultery/lust, divorce, and oaths. Though these may seem like three separate topics, they appear connected through the inclusion of "also" (vs. 31) and "again" (vs. 33). The singular thread that connects these three case scenarios is being found faithful because of having integrity.
In the first scenario, Jesus reiterates the command "do not commit adultery." That's the letter of the law. However, He deepens it by expressing the heart of the law—to not look upon someone in a manner desiring to take them for yourself outside of the context of marital covenant. To look at someone and to lust in your mind is equated with adultery according to Jesus. In the third scenario, Jesus calls for integrity in words and commitments. He presses against manipulative ways of leaving loopholes to escape promises made. In the center, the second scenario, Jesus talks about divorce—a breaking of oath (see vv. 33-37) that results in adultery (see vv. 27-30). Marriage appears to be the quintessential human covenant that embodies faithful integrity after the heart of God, and that's why Jesus speaks so strongly about breaking that bond.
Discussion Questions
1. How have you classically understood the word integrity? How does the Biblical word and context expand or nuance how you've thought of it.
2. What is the connection between integrity and faithfulness?
3. How do you see the Scriptures declaring that God loves integrity?
4. Why do you think our culture downplays and redefines the sin of lust? How do you see the Church doing that?
5. Divorce is a sensitive subject, one which all of us have a personal story in which we have been impacted by divorce. If you're comfortable, share your story.
6. Have you seen "degrees" of seriousness used in making commitments? (ex. "I swear on my mother's grave." "I swear to God.") Have you been known to be dependable for the commitments you make, including showing up on time and following through?
7. How can we pursue deeper levels of faithfulness in our lives that reflect hearts of integrity?
Text: Matthew 5:27-37
Big Idea: Pursue faithfulness, because God loves integrity.
Summary: The pattern of Jesus after He declares Himself to be the fulfillment of what the Law pointed toward is a pattern of letter of the law, heart of the law, and wisdom of the law. He continues that same formula as He addresses the topics of adultery/lust, divorce, and oaths. Though these may seem like three separate topics, they appear connected through the inclusion of "also" (vs. 31) and "again" (vs. 33). The singular thread that connects these three case scenarios is being found faithful because of having integrity.
In the first scenario, Jesus reiterates the command "do not commit adultery." That's the letter of the law. However, He deepens it by expressing the heart of the law—to not look upon someone in a manner desiring to take them for yourself outside of the context of marital covenant. To look at someone and to lust in your mind is equated with adultery according to Jesus. In the third scenario, Jesus calls for integrity in words and commitments. He presses against manipulative ways of leaving loopholes to escape promises made. In the center, the second scenario, Jesus talks about divorce—a breaking of oath (see vv. 33-37) that results in adultery (see vv. 27-30). Marriage appears to be the quintessential human covenant that embodies faithful integrity after the heart of God, and that's why Jesus speaks so strongly about breaking that bond.
Discussion Questions
1. How have you classically understood the word integrity? How does the Biblical word and context expand or nuance how you've thought of it.
2. What is the connection between integrity and faithfulness?
3. How do you see the Scriptures declaring that God loves integrity?
4. Why do you think our culture downplays and redefines the sin of lust? How do you see the Church doing that?
5. Divorce is a sensitive subject, one which all of us have a personal story in which we have been impacted by divorce. If you're comfortable, share your story.
6. Have you seen "degrees" of seriousness used in making commitments? (ex. "I swear on my mother's grave." "I swear to God.") Have you been known to be dependable for the commitments you make, including showing up on time and following through?
7. How can we pursue deeper levels of faithfulness in our lives that reflect hearts of integrity?
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