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Sermon Discussion Guide: 2/2/25

Sermon Recap

Title: God Loves the Unlovable

Text: Matthew 7:12-14

Big Idea: God loved us when we were totally unlovable.

1. God's standard of loving others (7:12)
2. Two gates, two roads (7:13-14)
3. Finding true freedom for loving others (7:13-14)

Discussion Questions

1. Describe the people you most naturally like to serve and love; and then describe the type of people you struggle to serve and love. What causes us to be inconsistent in how we treat different people?

2. What are some ways we are guilty of being "unlovable?" How does this break the gospel message and our mission to show the gospel to others?

3. Describe a time when someone, another believer ideally, was undeniably gracious to you when you were being a difficult person to love?

4. Some Bible translations isolate verse 12 from verses 13-14. Some suggest the thoughts are meant to flow together. Do you think the two thoughts are meant to go together? How else have you heard these passages taught or preached?

5. Describe situations when you stayed the course on the more difficult path that leads to the narrow gate to life. How did God challenge you, bless you, and what are some things you learned?

6. Describe situations when you are inclined to willingly give up on the hard path and opt for the easy path that leads to destruction? How is God graceful to you? What are some things He teaches you?

7. How can we love the unlovable who are happily on the easy path while we ourselves are still prone to travel on it ourselves? What role does the Gospel play in our ability to love others, especially those who are not interested in Christianity?

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