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Sermon Discussion Guide: 9/22/24

Sermon Recap

Text: Matthew 4:12-25

Big Idea: You can trust the King’s heart.

Summary: These three vignettes all support an evidencing of King Jesus’ heart. The first vignette reveals Jesus as the fulfillment of another Old Testament prophecy that foretells how the King will bring light into the darkness. As Matthew describes Jesus as this fulfillment, He comes with the message, “Repent, for the Kingdom of heaven has come.” This call for repentance shows a heart of mercy. 

Following this first vignette, there is a zoomed in scene of Jesus calling Peter and Andrew, and James and John. These fishermen are called out of their ordinary lives to become “fishers of men.” Jesus comes to the lowly and the ordinary, calling them to participate in incredible things by sharing Gospel hope with the world around them. This shows Jesus’ heart for people.

The final vignette is a zoomed back out depiction of Jesus in the synagogues, preaching and teaching, and healing every affliction. As God became man, dwelt with the outcast, and went to the cross for sinners, we see Jesus’ heart of humility. These three transitional stories in Matthew’s Gospel display the heart of God as a heart that you can trust.

Discussion Questions 

1. How does Matthew use the Old Testament in revealing who Jesus truly is?

2. How does the Isaiah prophecy, about light in the darkness, correspond to John 1 and teach that the message of repentance is one of mercy?

3. How does trusting in Jesus’ heart of mercy bring freedom? Share a specific way that you’ve embraced this freedom in your life.

4. What is the intentionality on Matthew’s part to emphasize Jesus’ going to fishermen at this point in the Gospel?

5. Did you ever have big ambitions for your life or your impact in this world? Share your story.

6. Reflect on the point that Jesus came to the ordinary of this world. How do you see Jesus working in your “ordinary“ life?

7. What does it look like to follow Jesus‘ pattern of humility in love and ministry to others? What opportunities do you specifically have in your life right now?

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