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Sermon Discussion Guide: 10/6/24

Sermon Recap

Text: Matthew 5:14-16

Big Idea: The light of your life is to shine the glory of God.

Summary: Movement 1: In the beginning God created the cosmos, and it was formless and void. Darkness covered the earth. Then, God began to speak and in His first utterance, He called for light—not sun and stars, but light that emanated from His own radiance. As the pinnacle of His creative work, He set forth humans to be His image bearers, or "light bearers" on earth. However, in Movement 2, we see how sin brought darkness into God's good creation. Darkness blinded mankind from seeing the glory of God. Yet, though darkness reigns, hope always remains...

In Movement 3, Christ steps onto the scene. He is the Light of the world. He is the light of life in men. He is the Light that pierced the darkness, and in a marvelous declaration, He calls His followers, the Church, to be the continued light of the world as His light shines in us. As the people of God live with light of Christ pushing back the darkness, it leads to our good works bringing glory to our Father in heaven.

Discussion Questions

1. What is your response to the artistic style of the service this morning? Was helpful? Was it a hinderance? Why?

2. Does art (painting and/or poetry) help you conceptualize truth in any different way from the more typical way of learning?

3. Why does the Bible connect light with God's glory? And what other ways do you see "light" imagery working in Scripture?

4. Why is "darkness" such a fitting metaphor for sin?

5. Do you struggle with Jesus calling Himself the "light of the world" then calling us the "light of the world"? What is your processing like of that truth?

6. How have you tangibly seen your good deeds bringing glory to God? Share a story.

7. What ways do you see North Park being a light in our community? What unique ways do you think we should consider? What from the list in the message most excited you? 

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